The City of Coquille and the Coquille Police Department will soon be contending with the consequences of long past as well as more recent failures of management, inadequate oversight and the negligent retention of substandard police officers. A federal case relating to the termination of former city staff member Jennifer Rose and alleging whistleblower retaliation is scheduling witness depositions beginning as early as January.
The lawsuit names, amongst others, City Finance Director Rick Hohnbaum as a defendant. Hohnbaum is no stranger to litigation and was approved by the city council despite a very checkered past including allegations of sexual harassment. It’s unclear what, if any, background checks were conducted by interim city manager Coquille Police Chief Scott Sanders but Hohnbaum’s last employer, the City of Gold Hill, spent more than $60,000 on legal fees related to his alleged behavior before deciding to terminate his employment.
Also named as a defendant is “Brady cop” Sergeant Doug Miller. Like Hohnbaum, Miller was separated from his previous employment with the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and the Coos County District Attorney added his name to a Brady list. For those who are unaware, a Brady list is maintained by prosecutors of officers or public personnel who may have damaged their credibility and therefore be unable to provide reliable or unimpeachable testimony at trial.
In December depositions will begin in the federal lawsuit filed on behalf of Nicholas McGuffin whose 2011 manslaughter conviction for the death of his high school girlfriend Leah Freeman was overturned after serving nine and a half years of a ten-year sentence. More on this in the future but the gist of the lawsuit seeks to establish a pattern of corruption and or incompetence amongst all the investigating agencies and several named police officers involved in the case, including another Brady list inductee, former deputy Kip Oswald.
What all this brings to focus is just how fragile justice and criminal convictions really are. It only takes one bad apple, one unethical or incompetent or dishonest police officer and a canny defense lawyer with access to Google to throw an entire case.
A Brady listing is often cause for termination of a police officer. When former Coquille PD officer James Bryant was arrested for supplying alcohol to a minor six months of arrests and convictions he was involved in were overturned.
Kory Sturgess, a Coquille High School math teacher arrested in early October for possession of child pornography may be an excellent demonstration of the potential danger a compromised police officer might have on the outcome of a prosecution. One of the officers involved in the investigation and arrest of Sturgess is Clayton Makinson, a four-year veteran of the CPD and the city’s current K-9 officer. Based upon a complaint filed with the DPSST (Department of Public Safety Standards and Training) and court transcripts related to custody matters and the dissolution of his marriage Makinson has been accused of stalking his ex-wife, Jessica DeSimone and has admitted to grabbing her arm causing her to fall to the ground in front of her son and causing damage that now requires corrective surgery.
Additionally, according to transcripts DeSimone alleges that Makinson coerced or intimidated her to engage in online sex work to bring in extra money and allegedly is a frequent visitor to adult websites.
In the process of reporting the assault to the Oregon State Police, an investigation was launched by Oregon DHS Child Welfare. The State found that Makinson physically abused his stepson.
Makinson has a right to appeal this finding but is still obligated to notify the city according to the city’s policy and procedures manual. Makinson chose not to reply to an email sent requesting comment on these allegations, rather he had his divorce attorney Dan Thenell contact me. Thenell hasn’t provided a comment or denied the allegations either. The email exchange is posted in the sidebar.
Using online adult porn sites is not a crime but pushing someone into commercial sex acts who is not a willing participant is technically sex trafficking. So here we have an officer who has admitted to at least one incidence of domestic violence, has been found by the State of Oregon to have abused a child and has unresolved allegations of stalking taking responsibility for investigating someone accused of sex crimes. Any good defense attorney will be just as a capable as I am of digging into public records and with a few subpoenas will make short work of police officers testifying against their client.
This brings us back to oversight and who is responsible for setting such low expectations of our paid administrators and law enforcement. Harkening back to the era of Chief Mike Reaves, largely responsible for the debacle surrounding the miserable handling of the murder of Leah Freeman and the dozens of complaints hurled against both Reaves and Officer James Bryant the city council was unmoved defaulting to the guidance of the city manager, Terence O’Connor. O’Connor’s approach was basically to ignore the public and simply ride out the storm until people just gave up.
Bryant, well known for his excessive use of force cost the city an undisclosed settlement when he turned Carl Foster into a quadriplegic. It can be argued that Reaves’ failure to work the Freeman case competently, (or at all for that matter), will likely cost the city as well. So why is the city repeating the same behavior again and again?
We have only touched the surface here regarding problems at Coquille City Hall. This is part one of an ongoing series investigating our city administration and law enforcement.
Dan Thenell Email Exchange
The Thenell Group appears to specialize in insurance fraud but Dan Thenell also claims to be General Counsel of the Oregon State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police. Apparently, Thenell also has a side hustle in family law and represents Makinson in his dissolution, custody and support settlements.
Officer Makinson,
Presently I am working on a story about the Coquille City and Police Department. Based upon public records I’ve been able to learn that the Oregon State Police reported you to DHS Child Welfare regarding possible harm to your stepson and infant son. My understanding is that a report has concluded that some allegations are founded with respect to the stepson, Leo, while the investigation into the younger boy is ongoing. Do you care to provide a comment?
Further, according to DPSST a complaint alleges you stalked your former wife Jessica DeSimone. Again, would you care to comment?
Presently, will you confirm a romantic relationship with City Recorder Kelly Benson?
Thank you,
Mary Geddry
Ms. Geddry
I represent Officer Clayton Makinson. What news outlet do you work for? I would request that you not contact my client again about any legal matters and also need you to be aware that I take issue with you sending an email like that to his work email address. You can address any further questions or concerns to me via email.
Daniel E. Thenell
General Counsel
Oregon State Lodge
Fraternal Order of Police
The questions are – “Based upon public records I’ve been able to learn that the Oregon State Police reported you to DHS Child Welfare regarding possible harm to your stepson and infant son. My understanding is that a report has concluded that some allegations are founded with respect to the stepson, Leo, while the investigation into the younger boy is ongoing. Do you care to provide a comment?
Further, according to DPSST a complaint alleges you stalked your former wife Jessica DeSimone. Again, would you care to comment?
Presently, will you confirm a romantic relationship with City Recorder Kelly Benson?”
Mary Geddry
What news outlet do you work for??
Daniel E. Thenell
It should be noted that DeSimone appeared to have tried to bring her concerns regarding stalking and domestic violence to the attention of Makinson’s supervisors but was forced to go to the Oregon State Police when CPD basically blew her off.
It’s a terrible cliche but in this instance it appears that no credence or weight was given at all to DeSimone’s allegations and no investigation by CPD was ever made into her claims. Even worse, Sergeant Miller, a Brady cop, was called to testify on behalf of Makinson at a status quo hearing and despite the lack of any investigation on his part indicated that he thought her allegations were unfounded. Imagine, a Brady cop having the audacity to call someone else’s honesty into question!
Even the Mayor of Coquille, Sam Flaherty ganged up on her although his testimony on behalf of Makinson was comically pointless at best.
Crimes against women are all too often ignored by law enforcement, a factor that may have been in play in the terrible handling of the Leah Freeman murder investigation. Bearing this in mind, a complaint file by Johanna DeSimone who witnessed and documented some of the stalking behavior was filed with the DPSST and sent to the new city manager, Forrest Neuerburg. Neuerburg, like so many city managers and men before him has chosen to ignore the complaint in complete disregard for a woman’s safety.
I’d like to communicate with reporters and news operations and others that have interest in this court case.
McGuffin, Nicholas James v Dannels, Mark et al 6:20-cv-01163
Dannels is now the Sheriff in our county in SE Arizona. He had been a deputy here before then-Sheriff Larry Dever ran Dannels off. Dannels took the job of Chief of Police of minuscule Coquille, OR but returned to Cochise County to take advantage of the drunk-driving death of Dever.
Co-defendant RayMcNeely of Coquille – a police investigator on the McGuffin case – is now a deputy in Cochise County, AZ.
Here’s a link to many of the court documents in the matter:
I’m thinking of visiting Oregon prior to and during the trial.
David Morgan, Publisher
Let’s hope the investigation went right THIS time in the baby Owen case, or the town will come unglued! After the track history with Coquille/Coos county police dept(s) I neither think the evidence will have been collected correctly for the plaintiffs, and there is no way the dependent will get a fair trial.
Without a competent investigation, you are right, justice will not be served
I have been harrassed by coquille PD a few times and got laughed at by “chief Sam ” when I wanted to file a complaint I am sure he never even filed it. If more details to my situation will help please feel free to contact me.
The best way to file a complaint is with the DPSST (Department of Public Safety Standards and Training) – I will reach out to you privately
Its not just the Coquille police department, its the local sheriff’s department, coos bay police AND north bends police departments as well! This entire county is so corrupt its sickening and looks like a barnum and Bailey show as opposed to actual credible and honest law enforcement…for example the murder of that doctor a few months ago, or the death of Rex Lawton on may 5th, in which a well known business owners son ran him over in a company vehicle and while witness reported his driving all throughout town to have been nothing short of erratic and unsafe just before he killed Rex, he went uncharged with not even so much as a wreck less driving charge! Then the coosbay police failed to inform Rex’s family that they canceled his autopsy since they weren’t pressing charges against the accused….we waited 2 months for those results to find out through the family’s lawyer that we would never get them as it had been canceled by the local PD and he had been cremated as scheduled! I have lost all faith in the justice system in this county entirely…I also have a friend or two that claim to have been sexually assaulted while male officers performed a “pat down” before placing them in their cars….
Unfortunately, unless people file a complaint and try to preserve any evidence there is almost no chance of accountability.
Been this way for a long time. Incompetence or corruption. Told everybody that would listen , 30 yrs ago to get rid of the meth problem in coos county that you have to start in the sheriff’s office.I talked about it for yrs. Until my brother a deputy at the time, told me I was making people nervous. And that I could go missing and there would be nothing he could do about it. If you need any help, ask. I want justice and I want people held accountable.
I will reach out to your email this week. Thanks