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Thankfully, the mainstream media do seem to be giving this growing problem some coverage. This report from Editor & Publisher discusses it in more detail.

Many newspapers this weekend ran overall assessments of the problem, published editorials calling for the military and the V.A. to take stronger measures to fight post- traumatic stress disorder, or recalled recent suicides in their circulation area.

One suicide just this week involved Chad Oligschlaeger, a Marine who was found at his barracks at Twenty Nine Palms in California. His family said he was on eight medications for PTSD and had been sent back to Iraq for a second tour after asking superiors for help, which he allegedly did not get.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram today profiles the family of another suicide victim, this one in Iraq, who shot himself in front of his troops. Chris Vaughan writes: “On July 11, 2007, in a violent Baghdad neighborhood, Master Sgt. Jeffrey R. McKinney killed himself. He put his M-4 rifle to his neck and pulled the trigger.

For those of us who love these kids serving in the military it is heartbreaking that so few will contact Congress and demand that they be looked after. More people watch American Idol in one evening than call Congress to take care of our troops in a year.