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It has taken me two days to read this article from Asia Times. Every time I start I have to walk away because burrowed in between the details of political alliances, clever machinations and pipeline strategies lies the root of our problem in Congress

Big Oil deals in Iraq form the core of Bush’s strategy of creating a legacy for the US in the Middle East that may run for decades. Big Oil needs the assurance of a near-permanent US military presence in Iraq. And Bush is determined to provide that assurance. He is convinced that no serious American politician would defy the wishes of Big Oil. By logic, therefore, Bush is creating a historical legacy of an Iraq that will remain under American control for decades to come.

Apparently, Bush is not the only one acknowledges the control of Big Oil on Congress as country after country maneuvers to take advantage of the situation and plunder Iraq’s once nationalized but now privatized resources.

Indeed, the rest of the world has already decided that it is time to take the Bush legacy in Iraq seriously. The alacrity with which Moscow is hurrying to get onto Shahristani’s gravy train is the latest tell-tale sign. Moscow is highly unlikely to waste its time in rhetoric ridiculing the Bush administration by pointing out that the US needs assistance to save face and leave Iraq with dignity or that Russia could help stabilize the situation, and so on.

How do we the people fight this? We have to fight for energy independence. We have to end our dependence upon finite fossil fuels.