by Wim de Vriend | Nov 18, 2015 | Coos County
All ye who are disillusioned and angry at our politicians’ and bureaucrats’ craven licking of Jordan Cove’s boots, take heart; don’t work yourselves into any more lathers over a process that never intended to turn down even the nastiest...
by Wim de Vriend | Sep 13, 2015 | Coos County
As my devoted readers know, especially those who have read my magnum opus “The JOB Messiahs”, we have suffered a long train of economic atrocities inflicted by bumbling bureaucrats who imagined they were creating Economic Development (Ecodevo for short)....
by Wim de Vriend | Jun 24, 2015 | Coos County
Another Triumph of Hope over Experience On June 4 we learned that the Port of Coos Bay has published a “Business Plan”, which it is required to do by the State of Oregon. Being required to do something often shrinks what little zeal survives in an...
by Wim de Vriend | Feb 4, 2015 | Coos County
Last October a brand-new, bulky vessel topped with a convoluted network of pipes was welcomed at the port of Klaipeda, Lithuania, by that country’s president who was surrounded by officials from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the United States, and...
by Wim de Vriend | Jan 18, 2015 | Coos County
Who said this website does not respond to popular demand? In his retort to my recent article on our County Commissioners’ inability to formulate a Plan B to replace Plan A for solving their financial troubles (Plan A was: suck off Jordan Cove’s tit), Mark...