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The Little Oyster That Could

As recently as last March, Bob Braddock, the project manager for the proposed Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal was claiming that the report that his company was considering changing the terminal into a export facility was not just false, it was a...

Brian Willson – Blood on the Tracks

Brian was born into a Southern Baptist family in upstate New York. He was a religious fundamentalist and reactionary Republican. He was supportive of the U.S. War in Viet Nam, but he didn’t want to go there. He received his draft notice before he finished law...

People with agendas need not apply

People with Agendas Need Not Apply Commissioner Bob Main is adamant: He does not want people with agendas on county committees. He said so on May 10th when the finalists to replace the late Commissioner Nikki Whitty were interviewed, and he said so again at the June...