by aghast! | Jan 14, 2011 | Featured, Foreign Policy, Media, National Security, Politics
Wikileaks supporters in the Ukraine symbolize their view of the US government. Governments are right to fear their people as the recent uprising in Tunisia proves. The uprising in Tunisia may also be traced to cables leaked to the public by Wikileaks further proving...
by aghast! | Jan 14, 2011 | Featured, Media, National Security, Politics
Armed bystander almost shot one of the Tucson heroes who wrestled the gun from shooting suspect, Jared Lee Loughner. Here are the dynamics between gun ownership and gun related death rates.
by aghast! | Jan 13, 2011 | Environment, Media, Science
While anti while ships, Steve Irwin and Bob Barker have been distracting two Japanese harpoon ships from killing whales, the Gojira has been in hot pursuit of the factory ship, the Nisshin Maru. On January 12, the Gojira intercepted a refueling ship, the Sun Laurel,...
by aghast! | Jan 11, 2011 | Environment
Painting in deadly oil – NY Times features the work of Benjamin Lowy depicting the oil itself reacting with the surface of the ocean, air and sun. View the entire thing here.
by aghast! | Jan 7, 2011 | Education, Environment
Compiled by Thanh Jupiter Plants are indispensable components in the environment. It is estimated that there are over 375,000 species of plants on earth. They are in all different sizes, shapes colors, and even scents. The article names some of the most bizarre plants...