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Beginning at 9:30 today, the board of commissioners, solid waste department staff, county counsel and representatives of Waste Connections met to discuss the apparent shortfall of waste delivered to the Beaver Hill Disposal Site. The meeting was not properly noticed to the public due to a technical issue and consequently there is no video of this meeting but it is believed there may be an audio recording.

Essentially, Waste Connections is blaming the shortfall on a misinterpretation of the agreement regarding trash from “incorporated” and “unincorporated” areas and increased recycling. In essence, the meeting served as thirty days notice to cure breaches acknowledged by the company and to move forward with waste handling in the future.

The topic of converting the facility into a transfer station did come up and it is apparent that Bob Main, after a very cursory and superficial review of the cost of another bond to upgrade the facility is not in favor of a new $25 to $30 million incinerator. Meanwhile, a local machine shop has expressed a willingness to provide a quote on repairing the existing facility with an expected cost of less than $2 million.

Recycling totals can be verified through state agencies and the commissioners should hope to do some more checking before simply accepting Waste Connections numbers.