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Presenting perhaps the first real budget plan I have seen in a local campaign, Sanne demonstrated to a group attending an Americans For Prosperity meeting how the county, using its forest fund and the average annual property tax increase to meet its current level of services. Details are available at RandySanne.com

Coos County’s fiscal 2011-12 General Fund budget was approved at $20,899,488. Included in this budget was $6,470,000, the anticipated opening balance or carryover from the previous fiscal year, $4,255,605 in property tax revenue, $4,250,093 in SRS
grant revenue. and $5,923.790 from a number of smaller grants, taxes, and fees. If every department spent their full budget the carryover would be used up and it would result in a zero balance at the end of the fiscal year. Coos County’s budgets are developed to identify the funding we anticipate we will need to operate, set spending limits, and monitor departmental spending. Our budgets have historically included millions of dollars in anticipated expenses that are never needed, and the FY 2011-12 budget is no exception. If county cmployees do as they have for so many years general fund expenditures for the fiscal year will probably total less than $15,000,000 meaning that the end of year balance in the general fund would be approximately $6,000,000 resulting in a loss of roughly $500,000. However when combined with the forest reserve fund which has a projected year ending balance of more than $12,000,000 the combined total of unrestricted funds could be as much as $18,000,000, an increase of nearly $3,000,000 over FY 2010-11…

Using forest fund revenue to replace the lost SRS funds will aBow us to avoid further layoffs and reductions in services. Replacing those funds will require us to withdraw more from the forest reserve annually than what we are projected to make, however if current budget levels are maintained the balance in the forest fund would last for 8 to 10 years which will allow time for the economy to improve, congress to agree on a sustainable timber production plan, and our county to pursue new, long term, sustainable, revenue and job creating opportunities.