Bob Main turns down $50,000 grant for cash strapped county because, “we are not a democracy.” The foundation, Center for Tech and Civic Life, tag line is “It’s time to push our democracy into the 21st century.” Main says, “we are a constitutional republic,” and he fears they are trying to “push socialism or something like that by using this term ‘democracy’.”

County Clerk Julie Brecke explained the grant’s only requirement is that receipts for all equipment purchases and rentals and additional security hires be provided to the foundation at the end of the election. The board of commissioners have final say in all purchases and expenditures but Main and fellow ideologue, Rod Taylor voted against accepting the grant. John Sweet was the sole voice of reason.

First, this red herring about republics vs democracies is nothing more than a dog-whistle meant to appeal to certain groups. We consent to be governed therefore we are a democracy. We elected our leaders therefore we are also a republic. The two terms are not mutually exclusive.

Main also implies a nefarious connection between democracy and socialism. Considering he has worked decades for socialist organizations like Coos County Government I’m not sure what point he is trying to make other than to betray his own prejudice and ignorance.

Taylor, who still believes in The Big Lie, voted against the grant falsely claiming the foundation was “grotesquely involved in the manipulation of the 2020 election.” Even in the absence of proof, the former president could shoot Taylor in the middle of 5th Avenue and he still wouldn’t accept the results.

 This is why we shouldn’t have ideologues on our nonpartisan boards. They are to serve the people not to impose their radical political and religious beliefs on the electorate.

Remember how they refused these funds when the next levy measure begging for funding shows up on your ballot this November.

We need your help. While Geddry is a volunteer effort there are still costs to providing pro-democracy content to Coos County. Your donation will help cover printing costs, web hosting fees, and of course we need to raise money for our noncommercial community radio station to cover the costs of equipment.

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