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Coos Commons Protection Council is hosting a discussion, “Not in Our Backyard”, at the Coos Bay Fire Hall this Thursday, the 29th beginning at 6PM. There are only 10 9 7 3 spaces left as of this morning. If you would like to attend, act now and RSVP to cooscommons@gmail.org.


No Pipeline In Our Backyard!

Coos Commons Protection Council

is pleased to host a discussion on

Community Rights and democracy in Coos County

From Ohio to Pennsylvania to New Hampshire to Oregon, oil and gas pipelines are invading our communities.

In Oregon, the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline and Jordan Cove export terminal are moving full steam ahead, aided by federal and state agencies, despite warnings of real impacts to quality of life, private property, local economies, and ecosystems across four Oregon counties.

Learn how communities, in Oregon and other states, are changing the rules of the game, squaring up against pipeline corporations and their own government, and taking back their rights to health, resiliency, and greater democracy for people and nature.

90-minute presentation and Q&A

Coos Bay Fire Hall Community Room

450 Elrod Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon

January 29, 2015

6 – 8PM

RSVP CoosCommons@gmail.com

Visit http://cooscommons.org for more information

Kai Huschke, Northwest Organizer

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund