The Oregonian, in its second of a series of articles about the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal, exposes more about the nature of the divide between the proponents and opponents of the project.
The author, Ted Sickinger, does a great job of sharing both sides of the story and quotes many familiar names. Timm Slater offers a very unscientific risk assessment and betrays a new found faith in “our regulators”. BS Oregon spokesman Mark Wall says Jordan Cove LNG will put Coos Bay on the map.
“I look to Jordan Cove to be the catalyst that starts a new era for Coos Bay and a more prosperous future,” says Wall.
From the “boy, have we heard that before” side of the divide, Wim de Vriend gets a well deserved plug for The JOB Messiahs.
De Vriend literally wrote the book on local economic development, a phone book-sized commentary called “The Job Messiahs” that he sells from behind the counter.
The book chronicles 40 years worth of taxpayer-funded efforts to rekindle Coos Bay’s industrial past, an effort De Vriend equates to a continuous “recycling of pie-in-the-sky thinking” that he says has compiled “an astonishing record of failure.”
De Vriend’s list of phantom projects and short-lived flameouts include a company that wanted to construct oil drilling platforms for the North Slope, a fish waste processing plant, a coal export terminal, a pulp mill, a chromium smelter, a steel mill and a garbage burning plant.
Two consultants have already been paid to study the feasibility of a container terminal in Coos Bay and found it unlikely. De Vriend believes the temporary boom from terminal construction would be followed by an economic hangover. Some jobs would leave, while the LNG project would preclude other, more sustainable economic development from happening.
The article also touches on the “bloodless coup” known locally as the Community Enhancement Plan
[Photo Ted Sickinger/The Oregonian]
Over 450 comments on this latest article. Leads one to wonder why the local rag isn’t embarrassed, leading them to see, that yes, indeed, we are out here and We The People have had it with this “development crowd. They bemoan those dastardly ‘enviros’, spotted owl, ex………..All the while, it is/was/will be these same guardians of the success of this county. THESE families have brought us to this point all along. It’s not Jodys’ fault, it’s not the owls’ fault, it’s the fault of every one of these Job Messiahs, every single one of them have made ALL decisions in this county for decades. Roblan the Education Czar? My sorry old arse, how have Coos County children fared under your fine leadership Roblans? Whittys? McKeuans? ETC. We have NO ONE to blame but these leaders. Do NOT let them point fingers at anyone but one another. Time for complete change in this county, or we won’t survive as a community. This has gone on long enough. My humble personal opinion only, of course.
Sweet, Craddock, Koch , Sochi and the rest of the gang left holding the ball after all the 80somethings abandoned the ship, won’t see this development as an impediment. They will go full steam ahead on Tuesday’s vote to ratify an already defunct organisation.
I don’t expect this to slow them down one little bit. They just have to find some other old familiar faces to present to the public, as long as they are LNG supporters they will do.
The Oregonian article forgot to tell their readers that this is a democrat party project led by the Governors appointees. Why would they leave that part out of their story?
I’m reading the Oregonian articles while I am in a hold mode at the Charleston Jetty waiting for the wild surfboard ride made possible by the increased volume and velocity tsunami up the channel when the channel is carved wider and deeper for LNG vessels. Of course, most of your homes in Charleston, Bar View, Empire and North Bend will be riding with me.
Anyone out there know how/when/why JCove bought the reserve space (excuse my ignorance of pipe-speak) in our 12 inch pipeline? It evidently is very profitable now, from this weeks Oregonian article. Don’t miss the comments, lots of information and a real creepy paid commenter to defend JC, it’s quite comical. Amazing work by Ted S., see what a real man can do with a pen, versus the boys and girls who take money from JC for full page ads, and write what they are told to write. It is a damned shame the people/voters/families of Coos County continue to vote for the wolves preying on them. Repeatedly too. Oh well, I do believe the actions of Melissa Cribbins the last two weeks, proves the “pillars of the county” don’t do well in the sunlight. Too damn bad, I think they’ve poked the bear too many times this time, if you haven’t read it, read Wims’ book, amazing job. Thank you M, for exposing these snake oil salesmen. My opinion only, of course, we all know about lawyers.