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With the TSA excesses and continual nipping away at our civil liberties and the humiliation we allow ourselves to be subjected to one has to say these people have a real sense of humor.

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen-based wing has threatened more small-scale attacks against the US to inflict economic damage, particularly to the aviation industry…

…AQAP said it is part of a new strategy to replace spectacular attacks in favour of smaller attacks to hit the US economy, according to a special edition of the online Inspire magazine, released on pro-al Qaeda websites and made available by both IntelCenter and the Site Intelligence Group.

“It is such a good bargain for us to spread fear amongst the enemy and keep him on his toes in exchange of a few months of work and a few thousand bucks,” the statement said.

“We are laying out for our enemies our plan in advance because as we stated earlier our objective is not maximum kill but to cause [damage] in the aviation industry, an industry that is so vital for trade and transportation between the US and Europe”.

One thing is certain, our economy has suffered since we began our war on terror.