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This theme began at the IBO Luncheon recall debate when Kevin made this statement (again I take no responsibility for syntax errors)

So why the recall now versus later? Its very obvious to everybody who’s been following this that the recall now is because the comment about decisions around businesses is very correct because of if I am successfully recalled then you have every group that is anti-development, anti-progress, anti-LNG, anti-anything that goes on in Coos County that has used this group to see this recall through and we’re going to have substantial impacts on business’ futures if this recall is successful because it has nothing to do with the layoff of employees[emphasis mine]. It has nothing to do with a flawed process because we have already demonstrated that the process was not flawed. There was no illegal meetings it has to do with the fact that anti people want to change the prosperity for you as taxpayers futures.

While Stufflebean is correct, the recall is not about layoffs at the road department, evidently, there is a movement to push the meme that concerns for public safety and public process translate as ‘anti-business’. Evidently a local radio talk show host and publisher of an ‘alternative’ news rag spent most of his show slamming Jody McCaffree and myself. Since I didn’t hear it I won’t comment on specifics but I will share that Kevin did alienate a large contingent of the business community when he lumped everyone opposed to LNG into an ‘anti’ category. He should get to know his constituents better.

Meanwhile we are waiting for him to really demonstrate that the reorganization of the road department was done openly. If it was, how many in the county residents knew about it before reading it in the paper or hearing it on radio shows like the one discussed above? Why was it such a surprise to ev eryone?