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Thanks to Bob Fischer for arranging this!

From 3 to 5 p.m., on Sunday, December 2nd, Dr. Richard Staggenborg will be speaking in the Sprague Community Room at the Bandon Public Library. His topic will be “Coping with Post-Combat Stress: Information for Vets, Families, Friends and Health Professionals.” Dr. Staggenborg practices at the Bandon Veterans Clinic. His treatment specialty is working with vets who are experiencing Post-Combat Stress.

Please write the event on your calendars and plan to attend. The problem of post-combat stress is something everyone needs to know about. At the rate the Bushwars are going, sooner or later everyone will have to deal with someone suffering from it. Knowledge builds understanding and hope.

This is a great opportunity to learn from someone who has lots of experience working with veterans and their families. Please invite anyone you know who is a vet, has a vet in the family, is a friend of a vet, or who is a healthcare professional. We hope to pack the place, because this is very important information, and there are lots of people who need it.

Please plan on coming to hear Dr. Staggenborg, and bring a family member, and a friend or two. Please tell the doctors and nurses you know. They REALLY should be there for this talk. They are on the front line, too!

Let’s all make an effort to get people there. And, don’t miss it!

This is a non partisan event, let’s support our troops