by Wim de Vriend | Aug 14, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
OUR CROSLINE RAILROAD In order to prove the futility of government “economic development” schemes, my book ‘The JOB Messiahs’ (published last summer) chronicled all of the Port of Coos Bay’s failed “ecodevo” ventures during the last forty years. The Port’s first...
by Wim de Vriend | Jun 28, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
Recently our Coos Bay World’s editorial page carried another one of those grim rants that have cost us so much already. In a white-hot letter, Neil Marran of North Bend thundered at local “naysayers” who oppose every economic development he favors, including LNG and...
by Wim de Vriend | Jun 20, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
“As the author of a recent book called “The JOB Messiahs,” which covers forty years of failed development efforts in Coos Bay, I know quite a bit about that subject. I am in favor of healthy growth for this area, where I’ve lived since 1971. I’m also a restaurant...
by Wim de Vriend | Jun 1, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
On page C1 of Saturday June 1’s paper, Gail Elber published an “update” on my claim for damages against the Chamber of Commerce. That claims was based on two, but now three, documented instances in which volunteer(s) at the Chamber’s Visisor Center disparaged my...
by Wim de Vriend | May 23, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. This points clearly to a political career.” Thus said George Bernard Shaw, but he said it at a time when women could not yet run for office. Since then, women everywhere have obtained the vote; in Oregon we’ve been...