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So, what’s a Yāhoo to do?

So, what’s a Yāhoo to do?

JOIN YAHOOS UNITED! The May 16 issue of The Oregonian (on the web: “Oregon Live”) reports some very informative statements by John Whitty, the apparent inventor and chief advocate of privatizing Jordan Cove’s future property tax payments, so a small, private...
LNG – An Enemy of the People

LNG – An Enemy of the People

Following a long and loathsome tradition, the arguments put out by Coos Bay’s LNG lobby have become increasingly shrill – and increasingly ridiculous. A prime example of their silliness appeared in The World of May 17. It was written by Richard Leshley, the...
Those pesky, invisible effects

Those pesky, invisible effects

Back in 1850, a French economist by the name of Frédéric Bastiat published an essay with the title: “Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas”, literally translated as “What one sees and what one does not see” or, more colloquially,...

Wim de Vriend's war on "How are you?"

“Well, good afternoon, folks!” I greet the family entering the restaurant: “Four for lunch? Would you like a booth or a table?” A booth it is, and mom, pop and two cell-phone-addicted daughters fit it snugly. While I bring menus and ice water – with an “Excuse me,...

Those poor, abused county commissioners…

Why do they keep coming back for another beating? “I’m so sorry, honey! I don’t know what got into me! I’ll never do it again sweetheart, I promise!” Even if we have not heard them in person, we’re all familiar with the domestic abusers’ pleas. After thoroughly...