by Wim de Vriend | Jan 14, 2015 | Coos County
An odd streak of fatalism runs through the minds – the presumed minds – of our LNG-worshipping politicians. This fatalism seems to be the offspring of two parents: desperation and incompetence. During a recent public meeting to count the un-hatched property tax...
by Wim de Vriend | Dec 13, 2014 | Coos County
When asked about the anti-Jordan Cove initiative that we will vote on next May, a Portland lawyer who worked for the failed Astoria LNG terminal pointed out the value of delay: “. . . if there’s enough local opposition and they tie it up in court long enough...
by Wim de Vriend | Dec 12, 2014 | Coos County
Just the other day, yet another ripple of excitement ran through the anti-LNG crowd. This ripple was about a news item announcing plans for a new, so-called Australian LNG export terminal in California. Folks, let’s take a deep breath; there may be less to this...
by Wim de Vriend | Sep 1, 2014 | Coos County
The disastrous results of the Port of Coos Bay’s 1987 ELECTION FRAUD – and how we may be able to fix them. “Prophets” may not describe them well, nor does the word “prophecies” do justice to their warnings. Nope; since the dire predictions they published...
by Wim de Vriend | Aug 12, 2014 | Coos County
They are supposed to have invisible, unbreakable connections to the halls of government, where highly-placed co-conspirators pull the levers of power for them. And at solemn midnight meetings they march in hooded processions to honor Mother Gaia, to sing Kumbaya, and...