by Dr Robert Fischer | Oct 26, 2014 | Oregon
The Yes on Measure 90 campaign, to switch Oregon elections to “top-two primaries,” was paid for by two out of state billionaires. John Arnold of Texas, a retired hedge fund manager who specialized in natural gas trading, donated $1.5 million. Michael Bloomberg, former...
by Dr Robert Fischer | Sep 10, 2013 | Health, Oregon
You know what to expect from the Affordable Care Act the moment you realize where it came from and who designed it. In 2008, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Montana, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, took the lead in drafting the ACA. The legislation was written in Baucus’...
by Dr Robert Fischer | Jul 31, 2013 | Oregon
Originally Published in The Register Guard Co-written by Bob Fischer and Samuel Metz It’s not too early to begin the autopsy. President Obama’s Affordable Care Act swallowed its own poison pill, and the diagnosis was delivered by three of the most influential union...
by Dr Robert Fischer | Jul 10, 2013 | Oregon
On her Oregon Legislature webpage, District 9 Representative Caddy McKeown wrote, “We must … invest in our children’s future, keep our communities safe and ensure all Oregonians have access to the care they deserve.” I believe she’s sincere, so it is...
by Dr Robert Fischer | Apr 20, 2013 | Coos County, Oregon
This Monday, April 22nd, from 9 to 1, Maud Capps, Linda Olsen, and Dulce Havill will be in front of the Bandon Post Office taking photos for Health Care for All Oregon’s state-wide photo petition drive. Thousands of photo petitions will be presented by HCAO to...