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On page C1 of Saturday June 1’s paper, Gail Elber published an “update” on my claim for damages against the Chamber of Commerce. That claims was based on two, but now three, documented instances in which volunteer(s) at the Chamber’s Visisor Center disparaged my restaurant, the Blue Heron, and advised visitors not to eat there.

Ms. Elber misrepresents what I told her when she called me that preceding Monday. During that call I told her that a third person, a customer of mine, had gone into the Visitor Information Center, posing as a tourist, asking about local restaurants and specifically about the Blue Heron. According to Ms. Elber, I told her that the Center volunteer said that “the Blue Heron had German food, but she didn’t know if it was authentic.”

In so doing, she is not quoting me but Timm Slater, the manager of the Center, who appears to be happy to report the evasions of his volunteer(s) as fact, most likely for CYA-reasons. What I told Ms. Elber on the phone (while quoting from a report I had made of the incident) was that the Center volunteer leaned over as in confidence, and made a face, stating she would not find German food here. My customer then objected that she’d heard there WAS a German restaurant in Coos Bay. The volunteer’s reply: Yes, we have one right on this corner but I don’t advise you to go there; you won’t like it. She added that she wouldn’t advise anyone to eat there.

So much for the Chamber’s motto: “Our Business is helping your Business.” Maybe it works the same at The World.