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By Ronnie Herne

Three items are pulsing palpably in our county.

One is the cross on the Viet Nam memorial monument in Mingus Park. I will buy lunch at the floating Coos Bay Boardwalk Fishermen’s Restaurant for the first objector who can show me where in the US Constitution or its amendments anywhere that the Constitution suggests, or mandates, separation of church and state. It is not there. The Constitution does not demand separation of church and state. This separation is a tenet of revisionist history; it doesn’t exist in the original. Honest.

Another issue is the National Defense Authorization Act, a military spending bill being updated in 2013. On Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013, Tom McKirgan, Oath Keeper of Coos County, and Shane Ozbun, Eugene, presented to the county commissioners a well outlined presentation of the perils contained in that bill. The NDAA, Sections 1021 and 1022, contains language that allows the military to seize American citizens on American soil without charging them with anything, to detain them without representation, and even to ship them out of the country.

Commissioner Melissa Cribbins questioned whether this should be handled at the state level. This might happen, in time, but the county is the domain of the sheriff and this is where a sheriff can draw the line, telling the feds to go home. Melissa also wanted to know just how many have been seized this way. Good question. Bad question.

The questions should have been: How did we ever get to this place in America? And what do we do to reverse it? The gentlemen presenting wanted the county to pass a resolution nullifying the unconstitutional parts of the NDAA bill here in Coos County, a beginning however humble.

And then there was an Administrator. Or two Administrators…? Two is what the recent Portland State University report recommended. Do you recall that only months ago you voted down having an administrator? Well, they’re advertising for a Chief Financial Officer. Commissioner Cribbins said last week that two applications had already come in. This is an unelected administrative position paying between $4,000 and $7,000 a month, unaccountable to the voters, and serving solely at the pleasure of the commissioners.

To make this even better, a gentleman suggested that the other administrator might be someone hired to oversee the four newly realigned county department groupings. Wonderful! Then we’d have an unelected unaccountable administrator over elected officials. It could happen.

The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of MGx.