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ORS 192.640 Public notice required; special notice for executive sessions, special or emergency meetings. (1) The governing body of a public body shall provide for and give public notice, reasonably calculated to give actual notice to interested persons including news media which have requested notice, of the time and place for holding regular meetings.

Now, that shouldn’t make anyone’s brain hurt.

The good folks of Bandon understand it very well. Little Bandon, with a population of fewer than 3,000, posts notices of city council, planning and other committee meetings in the daily Coffee Break, and at the public library, the post office, the city hall, in the city newsletter that’s mailed out monthly with the utility bills, on line at the city website, and by e-mail to people who subscribe to the city’s mailing list server. Hot button items are announced in the weekly Bandon Western World.

And what does the county do?

The county posts its meeting notices on a bulletin board inside the county courthouse. To see the notices, people from as far away as Lakeside, Powers, Charleston or Remote would have to make a daily drive to Coquille, and they’d have to arrive during business hours because you can’t read the bulletin board from outside the courthouse.

What makes this even more ridiculous is that the commissioners get all offended and defensive when people suspect they’re trying to hide something.