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Compiled by Thanh Jupiter

Plants are indispensable components in the environment. It is estimated that there are over 375,000 species of plants on earth. They are in all different sizes, shapes colors, and even scents. The article names some of the most bizarre plants in the world. They are Dionaea Muscipula, Wolffia angusta, Lithops julii, Welwitschia Mirabilis, Victoria amazonica, Hydnora Africana and so on. These plants are famous not because of its beauty or elegance but due to its huge size and strange shape. Some others are also named because it is strongest plants which can live on any weather condition. Let’s see how they look like in the photos below:


By Thanh Jupiter

Dionaea Muscipula

Dionaea Muscipula, sometimes called Venus Flytrap is a plant that catches and digests animal prey such as insects and arachnids.

Dionaea Muscipula sometimes called Venus Flytrap is a plant that catches and digests insects and arachnids.

Lithops Julii

Lithops julii is one among the strangest plants that can be found in southern Africa. The plant can live in very hot and dry environments. Its name comes from the word “lithos” which means

Lithops julii is among the strangest plants that can be found in southern Africa. The plant can live in very hot and dry environments. Its name comes from the word “lithos” which means “stone-like”

Victoria Amazonica

Victoria amazonica is a species of flowering plant. It is considered as the largest water lily ever. The plant has very large leaves up to 3 m in diameter. Its flowers are pure white the first night they bloom but turn into pink the next day.

Victoria amazonica is a species of flowering plant. It is considered as the largest water lily ever. The plant has large leaves which are up to 3m in diameter. Its flowers are pure white at the first night they bloom but turn into pink the next day.


The Nepenthes plant popularly known as monkey cups is mostly found in Indochina, Australia. The plant produces a fluid to make its prey die and eat them. It eats spiders, insects, frogs and even snails and so on

The Nepenthes plant popularly known as monkey cups is mostly found in Indochina, Australia. The plant produces a fluid to make its prey die and eat them. It eats spiders, insects, frogs, even snails and so on

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia Arnoldii is extremely rare, it is not beautiful plant and it is also not a plant which can grow anywhere. Many of them are threatened or endangered.

Rafflesia Arnoldii is extremely rare, it is not beautiful plant which can grow anywhere. Many of them are threatened or endangered.

Wolffia Angusta

Wolffia angusta or watermeal is a genus that is made up of some of the smallest plants on earth. The Wolffia angusta is so small and is said to have much protein. Therefore, it becomes part of many people’s diets.

Wolffia angusta or watermeal is a genus that is made up of some of the smallest plants on earth. The Wolffia angusta is so small and is said to have much protein. Therefore, it becomes part of many people’s diets.

Welwitschia Mirabilis

Welwitschia Mirabilis was first discovered in 1859. It usually grows well in Angola and Namibia. The age of the plant is difficult to assess. It is very long-lived, living about 1,000-2,000 year

Welwitschia Mirabilis was first discovered in 1859. It usually grows well in Angola and Namibia. The age of the plant is difficult to assess. It is very long-lived, living about 1,000 – 2,000 year

Hydnora Africana

Hydnora Africana is a parasitic plant native to southern Africa. Not like other flowering plants, the plant has bad smell and it looks ugly as well. It is the plant that eat beetles, carrion beetles, and other pollinators

Hydnora Africana is a parasitic plant native to southern Africa. Not like other flowering plants, the plant has bad smell and it looks ugly as well. It is the plant that eats beetles, carrion beetles, and other pollinators

Dracunculus Vulgaris

The Dracunculus vulgaris is most often found in the Balkans. The species has a very unpleasant smell. The smell attracts pollinators so that the plant can continue to grow.

The Dracunculus vulgaris is most often found in the Balkans. The species has an unpleasant smell. The smell attracts pollinators so that the plant can continue to grow.

Venus Fly Trap has a meal