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Tag: Williams pipeline

Dear Governor Kitzhaber – wake up to what is going on down here

Post Panamax vessels entering Coos Bay is a major development in export shipping. There is a huge amount of infrastructure to consider and pay for. If this is to be done, do it properly not with razzle-dazzle stories and shifting documentation. This is not only unjust and insulting to citizens and landowners but leads to poorly thought out projects hidden from criticism. It is an insult to the Oregon tradition of land use planning. The Port of Coos bay is not up to the task.

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LNG fast track bill in committee at Oregon Senate

The so called LNG fast track bill, now in its third or fourth iteration as HB 2700, will usurp landowner rights by allowing transmission line companies including LNG pipelines to have access to private property along proposed routes without permission or knowledge of landowners. The bill is now up for review in the state Senate. Protect Oregon property rights by contacting the committee members listed below.

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