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Tag: Roy Keene

The Elkhorn Ranch Timber Sale… Did We Get A Fair Price?

A major weakness with State Forest timber sales is that they are routinely purchased by the same large corporations. Comparatively low award prices reflect a lack of competition which fosters collusion and price fixing. Scott Timber (Roseburg Forest Products) and Swanson, two of the largest public timber sale purchasers, were the only “qualified bidders” listed for Elkhorn. Scott bought the sale for $273.52 per MBF for the Doug-fir, the bid species, and Swanson was second at $272.88. How conveniently close!

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Stop log exports and create more Oregon jobs

In spite of this enormous volume of potentially available timber and soft domestic lumber market, industry is collaborating with well-paid scientists and token environmental groups to lobby for increased federal logging under the guise of “restoring forests and jobs.” The reality is that global timber corporations are exploiting the forest and people of the Northwest like a Third World resource center.

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