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Tag: Lane County

Coos citizens request structure advisory committee vote on findings

in the absence of a public vote, it is not possible for the public to ascertain whether a majority of members support the Structure Committee’s recommendations. Similarly, in the absence of a public vote, the public cannot identify the individual committee members who support or oppose the Structure Committee’s recommendations. The public needs and deserves this information, particularly in light of recent events suggesting the Structure Committee’s recommendations do not have the unanimous support of members.

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Legislature seeks to challenge public meetings law decision

The lawyer who brought the case against the Lane County commissioners, Nathan Rietmann says, “…local government has not shut down since this case was decided, either in Lane County or anywhere else. In my opinion, the fact that local officials across the state are being more careful about making sure there decisions are made in public meetings is a very positive result of the case.”

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OGEC cites limited authority in public meetings law violations

According to OGEC, the complaint filed against the structure committee does indicate clear violation of public meetings law, however, the ethics commission is limited in its authority. This was the same predicament that befell citizens in Lane County prompting citizens to file a civil suit to enforce the ORS. Coos County Judge Gillespie found in favor of the plaintiffs

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County cannot cut its way to prosperity

We could also look at stemming the flow of timber (and jobs) that heads overseas and deprives Oregon mills of much needed work. We can promote green jobs through forest and watershed restoration. And we should explore opportunities for payments from the carbon sequestration our federal forests do naturally through their growth.

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