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Tag: Al Pettit

Barton finds MGx amusing

Jon Barton, who along with Lance Benton attempted to manipulate election data to represent a higher percentage of voters wanted a governance change than is factually correct is firing back in another letter to the editor today.

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Charter vs ordinance debates next week

talk radio host Cam Parry who will arrive cunningly disguised as an interim county commissioner to argue in favor of the ordinance. The LOWV event begins at 7PM with Arnie Roblan vs Scott Roberts. Herne and Bell will represent the charter beginning at approximately 8PM.

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CCAP PAC pitches faith based governance

The CCAP belief system is nothing more than dogmatic superstition or what amounts to faith based governance. They would have us believe in an administrative savior, a new messiah, a mythological superhero who, (dressed in khakis, loafers and probably a Bandon Dunes polo shirt), will heal the sick and raise the poor crumbled remnants of Coos County staff, unifying them into one giant happy face with a wave of his magic scepter.

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Money, power and local poltiics

Lessig points out PACs like CCAP separate the “funders” from the people and creates a “them or us” perception that cannot simply be reconciled with a belief that whatever is good for business is good for all. That dog doesn’t bark anymore, or it shouldn’t.

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