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Category: video

Fred & Cam mock public meetings law

After more than a year in public office these two either still don’t understand public meetings law or they think their audience is stupid. “It is better if we are not listening to the same speech”. Really? Does that mean if they watch the meeting later and listen to the “same speech” they are violating public meetings law? Creating a controversy? As long as they aren’t debating county business or formulating a decision, giving a speech within earshot of another commissioner, with or without public notice is not a violation. Talking shop over lunch, however, is another story…

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Hallow’s Eve spirits haunt the BOC UPDATED

A tiny band of “spirits” haunted the BOC meeting today in protest of The World newspaper’s characterization that citizens “haunt” the meetings. Video will be available later today. Fred Messerle, Cam Parry and Bob Main were also in costume disguised as commissioners and while Messerle did not look like he enjoyed the spirited public comments, all in all, the trio were good sports and allowed this bit of peaceful political theater to play itself out. More later

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