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Author: magix

Hadley chattered to Rove?

Jane Hamsher at firedoglake has done some seriously heavy lifting on the Plame case over the last several months. Tonight she has up another fantastic post on what might be a phenomenal slip of the tongue by WP columnist Jim...

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'Tookie' Williams dies tonight

Rehnquist wrote in 1998 …the heart of executive clemency is to grant clemency as a matter of grace… An act of clemency transcends courtroom encumbrances and the factual burdens of the crime because by its very nature...

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Complacency Kills

Contrary to what some of you may think, John, my Marine corporal son, rarely speaks to me of his time in Iraq. Despite his knowing that I have an unquenchable thirst to know every detail of his life in Ramadi, he talks about Iraq only as an aside to something else. It takes careful, time consuming and all too often fruitless effort on my part to extract the smallest morsel of information. Still, each time I speak to him I learn just a little more. One of these nuggets, a small piece that ads some texture to my murky vision of his daily life in Iraq was the sign on the gate post they passed whenever they went on patrol. ‘Complacency Kills

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