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Author: magix

Signs Against “Safety” Levy Popping Up

Sheriff Gabe Fabrizio, along with District Attorney Paul Fraxier and Coos County Commissioner John Sweet have been urging city councils, civic groups, political organizations and more to support the levy. All this while Fabrizio completely ignores charges of gender bias that allowed an accused rapist, Jason Snelgrove, to escape without even an interrogation.

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Justice denied by law enforcement policies

How has Fabrizio handled this? By ignoring it. He has refused to return calls or answer emails. Both he and his captain have been overheard discussing these stories saying “people just don’t understand how things work.” They have made zero effort to educate us or provide information about their internal policies that allow such serious crimes as rape and possibly murder go uninvestigated.

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Unforced errors regarding the safety levy

It remains to be seen how Measure 6-213 seeking to levy county property owners up to $6 million a year to increase the number of deputy district attorneys and jail beds will make victims of law enforcement bias and investigatory inadequacy safer.

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