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The Coos County Board of Commissioners (BOC) is now holding its regular meetings virtually.  The County is doing this because BOC Chair Robert Main will not wear a face mask or enforce masking rules at in-person meetings.  His refusal is a violation of State Covid-19 regulations.  These violations expose the County to legal liability and have already generated a complaint to Oregon Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA).

            Many political observers think Commissioner Main’s mask stance is based on the principle of “medical freedom”. 

            At the August 17 in-person meeting Commissioner Main said about masking requirements, “I don’t believe in it”.  In Mid-August KMTR 16 reported he said, “If masks are so effective, why did you need shots?  So, if the shots and the masks aren’t effective, why have them at all?  The science doesn’t bear that out.  It seems like it’s highly political only.”

            The County’s response to an OSHA safety complaint gives a different reason for Mr. Main’s non-masking.  County Counsel wrote, “We have followed up with Commissioner Main, who indicated that his doctor has advised against wearing masks due to breathing problems.” 

            Is Commissioner Main’s masking refusal based on principle or is it because of a respiratory problem?

            Both factors may motivate him.  However, this is the first we’ve heard about his “breathing problems.”  It is interesting that this explanation comes from an attorney not Commissioner Main.

Rod Taylor humiliates himself and endangers county staff

Rod Taylor humiliates himself and endangers county staff

Our election-denying, January 6th insurrectionist county commissioner thoroughly humiliated himself last week when he imposed his pet conspiracy theory on the regular board meeting. Before I explain let me remind everyone of the harassment our county clerk and elections staff endured during the 2022 election cycle and how Rod Taylor refused to take any responsibility for the ill-treatment perpetrated by members of his organization

Orange is the new red.

Orange is the new red.

Every self respecting democracy loving American should make it a point to attend these meetings, first and third Tuesdays in Coquille, and I would suggest wearing an orange tie to support the former president doing his time in Riker’s Island or at the very least on house arrest with an ankle monitor.

About The Author

David Jennings

Before retiring David Jennings worked for the Coos County Juvenile Department for 28.5 years as a Juvenile Detention Counselor.

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