There is some good-natured debate around the subject of whether the current or the prior county commission is the worst commission ever. Personally, I have been on the fence, going back and forth between the chaos wrought at the courthouse by the Fred and Cam dark comedy show or the present state of inertia cunningly disguised as “reorganizing” and “strategizing” convened by Sweet and Sour(puss).

Certainly, the prior commission with the voting duo of Fred Messerle and Cam Parry did its fair share of damage even succeeding in privatizing solid waste and demolishing a multimillion dollar incinerator paid for by a pubic bond. Already our garbage collection rates have gone up and the evidence from other regions that succumbed to pressure from companies like Waste Management and Waste Connections is that rates will continue to climb steadily. It also blew up the self funding planning department, restricting its fees and forcing it to take revenue from the general fund to make ends meet. Don’t forget, the director finally through up her hands in frustration and abruptly retired.

John Sweet and Melissa Cribbins did usher in a different and perhaps calmer tone which probably made life more bearable, at least in the beginning, for county staff. After the voters rejected hiring a county administrator, the pair tried to smuggle an administrator into the county by changing the name to “finance director” and creating a position that coincidentally had the same duties and authority as an administrator. The public saw through the ruse and nothing has been heard about this “urgent” position in almost two years. Sweet claims the various departments are more efficient now, but so far these gains are unquantifiable. While this board hasn’t yet achieved the sort of damage created by its predecessors it is poised to lock the county into a catastrophic privatization scheme, the CEP (Community Enhancement Plan) further limiting its access to desperately needed funding. Neither commission has succeeded in bringing in more revenue to the county.

Initially, I was leaning toward putting my vote for worst commission on the predecessor but now I am leaning toward our current board. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.