Some may recall that during a Bandon meeting held by the Coos County Commissioners to discuss the SCCF (South Coast Community Foundation) that tensions between certain members were very high. So high, in fact, that Rick Skinner, manager of Knife River, used verbal insults that resulted in a diminutive Fairview woman by the name of Ronnie Herne being charged with “criminal harassment.” Herne reacted strongly to Skinner’s abusive language and slapped him across the face. Herne was arrested and charged and quickly released. After hearing from witnesses attending the meeting and close enough to observe the incident, the DA dismissed the case.Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 6.34.34 AM
Many of us thought it should have been Skinner who was arrested for, along with his employees, creating an air of hostility during the meeting. Happily, Ms Herne may now put this incident behind her.