As reported earlier a group of landowners would like to reroute the certificated Pacific Connector pipeline route which would serve the proposed Jordan Cove LNG project along Blue Ridge. The alternate route from milepost 9 to 21 would bypass private property owned by former interim commissioner, Fred Messerle. Messerle and Mark Sheldon lead other property owners who claim on the BlueRidgeLNG website, “The route filed by Utah based Williams will cut through the heart of rural residential neighborhoods along lower Coos River, Stock Slough, Catching Slough, Old Wagon Road, and Sumner. Sheldon and others claim this route will not only degrade property values, but also disrupt farm woodlots and severely impact critical Coho Salmon habitat”. The alternate route is “based on careful analysis of the May 2009 FERC EIS 0223F with an eye towards addressing safety concerns, buildability, and environmental hazard issues raised by that process”.

According to Pacific Connector progress reports filed with FERC in 2010 the group was advised that the BlueRidgeLNG proposal is not viable.

05/04/2010 – Met with Fred, Dave, their two sons, and another affected landowner Jeff Hill to discuss the merits of the certificated route and the Blue Ridge alternative route between milepost 9 and 21. The alternate Blue Ridge has segments that are not constructible that was conveyed to the group. Agreed to a follow up meeting including an actual road trip of the Blue Ridge route.

Fred & Dave Messerle Blue Ridge Alternate Route

05/14/2010 – Met with Dave and another affected landowner Dustin Clarke, Coos Sheep. Drove the route, discussed unacceptable impacts to residences and lack constructability relative to steep slopes.

The alternate route shifts the last part of the adjustment onto different private property owners and impacts people living along Blue Ridge Road and it is unlikely the route will change.

The Economic Development Morass

Saturday, The World reported Messerle’s claim “that Blue Ridge LNG takes no position on the pros and cons of the LNG project”. As we have already pointed out, the same is not true of Messerle’s wife, Sandra nor is it true of his brother, Ken Messerle. Both Sandra and her brother-in-law Ken Messerle are paid to promote the Jordan Cove LNG project but do they even believe their own statements?

As the executive director of SCDC (South Coast Development Council) Sandra Messerle writes passionately to Oregon’s federal representatives.

We ‘connect the dots’ for commercial retention, expansion and recruitment, consulting on siting, permitting processes and business enhancement strategies. Our mission statement is: “The South Coast Development Council’s mission is to promote and support businesses that provide quality jobs through responsible development on Oregon’s South Coast.”
The Jordan Cove Energy Project epitomizes the core of our mission, so we respectfully ask that you support this project for its far-reaching benefits for the economic future of the South Coast.
…failure by the DOE to give the company permission to export LNG out of Southwest Oregon will not only leave our community without a pathway out of our long economic morass, it will also leave many Asian countries – and Hawaii – without access to clean energy fuel continuing the massive carbon footprint of other currently utilized energy sources….

The point has already been made that the Messerle family does not want to share in the necessary sacrifices to bring the overall prosperity SCDC claims Jordan Cove will bring to Coos County. Is it possible they aren’t as confident in the outcome of this project as Sandra Messerle claims?

Family History of Promoting Past Boondoggles

Golden ShovelsIf the family does have its doubts they would be borne of experience. Ken Messerle, a state Senator at the time, was behind the disastrous $51 million county owned pipeline cited by BlueRidgeLNG as one of the reasons to keep the 36″ Pacific Connector Pipeline off of their property. The pipeline was supposed to bring 2,900 jobs to Coos County and was pitched and supported by many of the same faces and names seen on the BS Oregon website. Thanks to special legislation the pipeline doesn’t even provide tax revenue and is used to only 5% of its capacity.

Considering this record, why is anyone listening to Ken Messerle or anyone else on the BS Oregon list in the first place? Talk about a morass!


BS Oregon purports to be a group of local supporters for the Jordan Cove LNG project but is represented by a paid lobbyist, Ray Bucheger, (his firm received $60,000 from the port between 2011 to 2012), and claims to work to “…impact public policy in a way that benefits the port“. This is not disclosed on the BS Oregon website. Ken Messerle is also a registered lobbyist paid by the Port of Coos Bay but there is no mention of this on the BS Oregon site where he is listed as a member of the BS committee only as a former state Senator. The Port of Coos Bay can certainly start a support group but why not make clear to the public who and what BS Oregon really is?