In order for the CCAP PAC board to sell its administrator agenda to the public it has adopted a strategy of first convincing the public the county government is broken and second that the very candidates it has contributed $10,250 to are incompetent. Jon Barton a member of CCAP admitted during a recent forum that the current commission which includes Fred Messerle has created a disaster. “You’ve seen what a committee of three can do without an administrator”, he said. Then referring to adding two commissioners he added, “imagine a committee of five”. Barton also acknowledged the commissioners are unqualified and later, at the LOWV, Cam Parry proved him right with an adjective rich, hyperbole laden debate where he actually recited a parody of The Twelve Days of Christmas. According to Barton, the county needs an administrator to provide leadership, something Messerle obviously is lacking.

A few highlights are included in the video above including ARRRG panelist John Shank’s superb scolding of Parry for his excessive use of the “if and the extreme”.