As the one year birthday (anniversary) arrives on September 17, 2012, you might enjoy the Adbusters Magazine story “S17 One Year Anniversary”

The story begins with “As the one year anniversary of OWS approaches, where do we stand?

To put it in a nutshell: the Zuccotti encampment model might have passed its heyday, but the spirit of Occupy is still very much alive … evolving and inspiring, expanding our understanding of the possible, exploding our political imagination. Before S17 we relied on the same dinosaur paradigm of the dusty old left. We looked backward for inspiration instead of forward. With Occupy we jumped over that old dead goat. Now it’s time to leap fresh again.

Occupy began as a primal scream against the monied corruption of our democracy … but after a year of struggling against an unrepentant corporatocracy, our goals are now deeper, our dreams wilder. We see a common thread emerging — a blue-green-black  ( Read the rest of the story at )

Or watch this YouTube Occupy Birthday Video: Copy and Paste into your URL!