The paper has endorsed all three chamber favorites, Fred Messerle, John Sweet and Melissa Cribbens for commissioner positions one, two and three respectively. Everyone should watch their interviews at Coos Media Center to get a sense of their willingness to fast track mineral leases, privatize public services and completely undo our current system of divided powers toward a more centralized model similar to the Port of Coos Bay or local municipalities.

This morning all three candidates spoke before a forestry subcommittee of the local chamber of commerce and the Douglas Timber Operators.
According to people attending, all three spoke in glowing terms about the structure advisory committee with Cribbens reportedly saying the committee deserved $100K for all its hard work. All three candidates appear to be determined to implement the recommendations in the structure committee “majority” report, in fact Messerle has made it a campaign platform and there was no mention whatsoever of the minority dissenting report.

Regarding the two year term positions two and three one of the important factors to consider when selecting a candidate will be who will do the least amount of harm once in office. Consider how both Messerle and Parry have been able to disrupt the county in just a year and its a testament to the staff that the county is still providing services under these circumstances. These three are not likely to proceed with caution and any changes implemented without the support of the county staff and the public is doomed to failure no matter how great an idea a handful of chamber regulars think it is.

As much as I would love to see a woman on the commission, absent a write-in I am running out of options.

Fred Messerle

John Sweet
Melissa Cribbens