From Occupy Together – Monday, January 9, 9:30 @ Coos Bay Library for Wyden Town Hall Meeting
“Wyden has teamed up with Republican Ryan to create a regression to Medicare. They propose a voucher system that will affect all who are younger than 55 today. Increases in voucher amounts will more than likely not keep up with the increases in insurance premiums. It is the same old thing of big pharma taking over. Medicare/Medicaid has been working fine, this is a major step back! Wyden needs to know this is unacceptable. We need signs that address this, and perhaps need to Mic check the Senator. What we really need is something more like medicare for everyone, single payer is not about the pharmaceutical companies calling the shots. Here’s our chance to make a difference. Sorry for late notice, just got the word from our Florence friends.”
“Some say people in glass closets with someone else’s husband shouldn’t throw stones at ANYONE else”.
Brushing up against “people needing haircuts and baths” is the LEAST of YOUR problems Skippy.
Occupied by a bunch of people needing haircuts and baths.