We are indeed living in exciting times from a blogging perspective because after taking a couple of days to play and visit with the kids and family I find there is so much to write about I don’t know where to start. A project I have been working on has taken up most of my time these last few months and forced me to focus the blog primarily on local issues we can all do something about but like all of you, I can’t ignore the national and global issues or see the parallels within our own Coos County microcosm.

Anyway, before digging into to some important local issues in upcoming posts I want to first say that I am relieved and proud that Governor Kitzhaber has taken a stand against capital punishment but not just because all too often juries wrongly convict and an innocent man or woman may be put to death for a crime they didn’t commit. My feelings about capital punishment are similar to how I feel about war, both forcefully and irreverently take matters of life and death outside of a state of grace, beyond the boundaries of nature and callously place them into the hands of a few imperfect mortals who by their very willingness to act on these matters have no understanding of the threshold they’ve crossed. Our district attorney may not agree with me but I am grateful to the governor for choosing not to kill anyone in my name.

Okay, so it looks like Jeff Bishop is leaving the Port of Coos Bay but we may be saddled with an equally uninspiring replacement. The blush appears to be off the rose at the county commission, in more ways than one and I will try to elaborate as data confirmation allows within the next few days.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and OCCUPY is alive and well on the south coast and the world!