Call it a setup, or predetermined outcome, or a dog and pony show the selection committee process for assessor, surveyor and both interim commissioners were carefully orchestrated to achieve a specific outcome. It is no accident Bob Main has gained his top choice for each position. Instead of just picking the people he wanted and taking responsibility for those picks the public and the applicants were woven into an elaborate time consuming process.

We all participated in our own manipulation. We all played our part. We all wrote letters and emails and made phone calls supporting this candidate or the other as if we really had any say in the matter. We took valuable time out of our busy schedules to prepare resumes and applications, gather references, etc… Some of us went home with packets of applications and spent an entire weekend carefully reading them and some of us prepared and displayed ourselves in front of the public for an interview by a panel of handpicked mostly right wing Republicans. Then some of us took time out to watch the interview process and the final vote.

All that time and effort could have been spared if the commissioners just had the backbone to just make the appointment they obviously wanted in the first place. Perhaps they hoped to avert the public outrage at appointing someone whose large county holdings are surely to run afoul of many conflicting commission decisions. Or someone whose spouse, Sandy, directs the highly divisive SCDC or whose brother, Ken, is paid to lobby state and local governments on behalf of public and private entities.

How could Main and Parry be so indiscriminate as to allow the appointment of Fred Messerle? The potential for conflicts of interest are staggering. If Messerle is ethical he will have to recuse himself from many decisions so what benefit is there to putting him on the commission? Shame on them both.

Shame on us for participating in our own manipulation.