Cam Parry definitely exudes energy and enthusiasm and offers lots of interesting ideas. Hopefully we can all work together to implement some of those ideas and build a foundation that embraces input from a diverse group as recommended by the SDAT final report.

More importantly, before Parry asks China to fund a container port on the North Spit, he has some serious and immediate public safety issues to resolve. Andy Jackson, before he even took his oath of office, drove the county roads with a former employee of the road department to assess their condition. Anyone who drives them everyday knows the result, they are a catastrophe and Jackson, liaison to the Coos County Road Department, advised the board that road master, John Rowe, admitted he did not have the staff levels to maintain the 600 miles of roads in the county maintenance system.

During the tenure of the previous liaison, Kevin Stufflebean, Rowe continually told the board his department was keeping up with maintenance and spent liberally on new equipment that has sat idle for lack of staff. Roads are a critical public safety issue and infrastructure critical for business and commerce. The department’s restructured budget is said to be close to indecipherable and many of the funds have been dedicated to LID (local improvement districts) projects.