Despite being pleased with the selection of Cam Parry for the new interim commissioner, the process by which Parry was chosen has been criticized by me and others for effectively excluding input from the general public and not representing the electorate. The panel was all male and even though the county employs 300+ people and has seven bargaining units excluded any labor representatives. As someone pointed out on this blog, they were also probably all Republicans choosing candidates for the non-partisan slot.
The video below is unedited, save for a description. Ted Simon is the first individual to mention the ‘opportunity to pick someone voters wouldn’t elect’. Oddly, I suspect, if Parry would have run for the position he might well have been elected and we will have two years to evaluate him in case he decides to run in 2012.
Good morning. Barf! I watched just a bit. Re “themguys” post about sending the peoples monies to the port. First, if Maersk (APM Terminals) believed that a container port was required between San Francisco and Tacoma, they would be here. The Maersk managing director and the COO, both residents of my former Wassennar neighborhood, post their e-mail addressees for the public. They respond to their mail. Second, why would any business, container port or otherwise, rush to place their business on the North Spit when the county spends so much time alerting the local citizens, visitors to the area, and potential residents and businesses, that the North Spit is a flood plain and will be under water when the next Cascadia Subduction event.
I am always surprised by how many locals do not read or understand their tax bill. Perhaps in a future article you can address the citizens tax monies that go to the port annually – along with tax monies that go to other dark holes. Perhaps compare Coos Bay, North Bend, and Coquille (about half the Coos County population). Too many renters do not understand that the tax bill paid by the property owner is flowed dowm to them. The county treasurer can tell you to the penny how much goes where annually. Whitty has told me in the past. List the % of the average tax bill that goes to the port, the airport, SWOCC, 4H, Urban Renewal (county, city, and special), special fire and forest pools of tax monies, schools, libraries, etc. The people will be shocked and may get involved in local decision making. On top of this, our elected representatives send our tax monies to the black hole called SCDC.
And last, petrhaps in the futuire you can ask Mr. Main where are the 75 jobs that he told us would be coming to your Coquille neighborhood.
Simon just finished and I’m thoroughly peesed !!
The arrogance of these men is infuriating M, I don’t know if I can finish it. It appears Coos County will continue to refuse to seat a progressive of any kind to any damn thing in this county. And then the big man in the blue shirt says “we need new blood”, duh.
Right out of the chute we hear Cam wants Chinese funding for the rabbit hole of containers. I do not expect anything to change here.
How can these men whine about this area when the billions that go right into The Ports pockets continues year after year after year.
Anybody know how many dollars they have taken in in the last ten years, and where are the jobs that went with their millions?