Al Jazeera remains the most reliable English language channel for ongoing updates of the revolution in Egypt. Live streams and updates are available here and below is a compilation of excellent reporting and analysis of the Egyptian uprising to end thirty years of dictatorship.

Watching this event from Twitter these last few days, despite all efforts to kill the internet in Egypt and cut communications, the global community came to the aid of the people. Alternate communication routes have been discovered or hastily kluged together by hactivists and creative forms of spreading the word include randomly calling numbers with cell phone prefixes.

Anonymous helped cripple government websites with their signature DDoS attacks, an act that may have saved many lives. Follow the live stream on Twitter or at Al Jazeera

This first video is flagged at YouTube so may not play much longer but is a very moving account of the people rising up against their government.

Egyptian Army protect protesters from police.

Below, in depth analysis from Democracy Now from Friday, January 28, 2011

From Thursday, January 27, 2011

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