Previously, I have written how embarrassed I would be if I were a Republican, (also a Democrat but for different reasons). Despite being a pacifist I refuse to go through life afraid of my own shadow or suspicious of everyone I meet, (especially with swarthy skin) and I resent being herded, single file, forced to remove my shoes and subjected to sexual assault and groping on the miniscule chance some crazy person has invented a new stealth “tampon bomb”, just to placate the fears of a bunch of panic stricken scaredy cats.

There are crazy people out there willing to do insane things, I will not argue that, but no amount of screening will stop such people if they are just a little bit clever. Billions of dollars are wasted on an errand that will never, ever be foolproof and that’s just on one mode of transportation.

Keith Olbermann talks with John Dean, author of Conservatives Without Conscience, which I have read and highly recommend.

Well, now there is scientific evidence to go along with all the empirical evidence that conservatives are, well, pussies.