Democracy Now speaks with Felix Finkbeiner, the 13-year-old founder of Plant-for-the-Planet. Finkbeiner founded the organization at 9 years of age and have planted one million trees already in Germany, with the same goal in every country. The slogan is “Stop talking and start planting”, kids are taking matters into their own hands.

Kids have participated in protests for eons and maybe it is wishful thinking on my part but it seems there is a new level of intensity and impatience emerging out of our youth today. “Stop talking, start acting”. While I have published the following video in another post, it is well worth repeating.

Hopefully our inability to exact meaningful changes in public policy has motivated the younger generation to stand up and get some things done.

While age is no barrier to membership in Anonymous one can speculate that many of the contributors to Operation:Leakspin are not yet twenty.