Well, Palin did not crash and burn tonight, thank goodness. She also didn’t really answer any questions. She filled space with platitudes and the usual jabs at Obama of raising taxes and surrendering in Iraq and not signing on to ‘drill, baby, drill’.
Why the moderator let her talk on without answering the questions, I don’t know. When asked how the McCain plan differed from George Bush or what the McCain plan was for Iraq she gave the usual list of ‘freedoms’, ‘surge’, ‘generals’, etc… Biden came back and said, ‘With all due respect ma’am, I did not hear a plan there’.
The very fact that she didn’t totally collapse as she has in her interviews and that SNL may have some problems working out a comedy sketch from this debate, she probably broke even. Too bad there were no questions about Supreme Court decisions.
Welcome SophiaPearl, yes, she is a performer. Worse she craves even more power than Cheney has held! Probably that was the single most chilling thing about the evening… somehow she has it in her head, who knows from where, that her powers might be expanded! Who put that in her ear after only ‘five weeks’?
Sarah Palin continues to be swathed in the protective gauze provided her by her Republican handlers, who coached her all week on John McCain’s Arizona ranch. Her debate performance tonight proved what we already knew: she can PERFORM. She memorized salient points provided by Republican speech writers but repeatedly failed to answer the questions posed to her, an indication that, if elected, she will shun the press, as do her predecessors in the current Republican regime.
I’d like to know why the press hasn’t called McCain/Palin on their outright plagiarism of the Obama campaign for Change. All you’d have to do is show dated clips of the Obama campaign, which announced at the beginning for Change, contrasted with the Johnny-Come-Lately “change” campaign launched by the supposed maverick.
If you’re a maverick, why do you have to copy the slogan of the opposition campaign? This is an elementary, obvious question that the press has ignored.
Nothing can remove the mind-numbing silences witnessed by the American public during the Katie Couric interview. And what is Palin’s response? To announce to the public that she intends to distance herself from the press as a result! The last thing we need is another Cheneyesque, insular Vice President, a woman who hopes to extend the powers of the Vice Presidency even further (according to her own testimony in tonight’s debate).
The American public needs to quit voting its “comfort level.” We just experienced eight years in a disastrous Bush presidency, and he came to power despite ample evidence that he had been a lazy student, too incurious to learn about other cultures or, despite, his family’s personal wealth, bother to travel abroad. Those who voted for him–and continue to vote for “C” students–must bear the full burden of guilt for the 4,000-+ service-persons who have lost their lives thus far in a war for which many servicemen volunteered under false pretenses.