Not having been sold on Obama I am not as heartbroken as some on his capitulation of the FISA bill, nevertheless as Glenn Greenwald says it is more than a little dispiriting. From TPM
Glenn Greenwald, a leading critic of Obama on this, sends me his skeptical take on why he thinks Obama’s promise to work on the bill in the Senate doesn’t change anything:
“I think we do a grave disservice if we try to convince people that Obama is really going to work to get amnesty out of the bill. Reid is already saying it’s just theater — they know it’s going to fail — it’s just a way, Reid said, to let people “express themselves.” It’s all designed to let Obama say, once he votes for this bill: “Well, I tried to get amnesty out.” He’s going to vote for amnesty — and his statement today seals the fate of this bill. Why sugar coat that?”
It is things like this that have had me voting third party since 1992.
Very disappointing. Feingold commented on the FISA farce and I put it the video here
Pretty much I am going to go third party, I have had it with the whole polarizing two party,( really one party) garbage
What a terrible disappointment. I also had my doubts, but was just starting to warm up to his campaign. Not now, absolutely not now. No more support from me if he doesn’t do more than preen and threaten. He’s got to do something serious or I’m through.